Friday, February 29, 2008

Ponderings on Holiness

  • My holiness is a "walking out"- a process
  • The completeness and wholeness is available without limit for me to walk in by God's grace- how much holiness will I choose?
  • Do I have a limit to the degree to which I will follow Jesus?
  • Is there a limit to my commitment?
  • Will I do this, but not that?
  • Do I put limits on the work I will allow God to do in my life?

To my sadness, my answer to many of these questions in all honesty is "yes." I limit what God can do in my life. I limit the closeness in our relationship.

I will always be incomplete-a work in progress. That is a fact for all of us as Believers. My goal is to move closer to Him daily. Looking more and more like Him with each step.

So I will accept the setbacks. Accept my human limitations. Hear from God. Act quickly to follow Him. Listen closely to the gift of the Holy Spirit.

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